Sunday 20 April 2014

The Liebster Award!

With me being relativity new to active blogging, I hadn't even heard of the Liebster Award before, until I found myself being nominated for it! It's a great way of getting newer blogs a bit of an outing, and also allowing you to discover many more new blogs for yourself to! To be nominated for this, the blog has to have under 200 followers, and that's it! You then share 11 facts about yourself, answer 11 questions given by the person who nominated you (which for me was Kristy, thanks!) & then nominate 11 bloggers of your choice and then give them 11 of your own questions to answer. Easy enough! 

First of all, my eleven facts

  • I'm twenty years old
  • I have an unhealthy obsession with Disney, and I'm currently planning a trip to Disney World with my boyfriend next September.
  • I work in a call center, and as much as people think it's a dead end job, I actually really love it! There's also so many things to do to help futher your career there which is a bonus!
  • While I love beauty and can be a really girly girl, there's not much I love more than watching a good game of football, Man United of course!
  • When I was 15, I ran away to London to meet Justin Bieber because my Mum was on holiday and my Dad had far too much trust in me. Totally worth it!
  • On the subject of my stalky ways, I once queued for 12 hours to see Katy Perry in concert, but thanks to this I managed to get into her movie for a split second!
  • I'd rather have a nice relaxing night in than go out clubbing
  • I love being organized, and if things are going the way I planned in my head, I get horribly agitated
  • I'm a serious binge watcher of TV shows, and I'm currently working my way through Gossip Girl.
  • I believe one of the best feelings in the world is being at a gig, and the band stop singing and you just hear the crowd singing along to the song. Bonus points if this at a festival or stadium gig. Massive goosebumps.
  • I used to work in a childrens play area, but I got sacked and I think it was because I spent all my time sitting in the ball pit!
Next, the questions!
1) What made you start your blog? 
Boredom mostly, but I realised that before I bought anything, I'd scour through blogs and read reviews on the products, and thought that I'd quite enjoy being the person giving my view to help other people.
2) How would you describe yourself in three words?
Smiley, ditsy, sarcastic.
3) What's your can't live without makeup product?
Concealer! You can guarantee no matter where I'm going, there will be concealer on my face!
4) What's your can't live without beauty product (anything bar makeup)?
My Re-gen cream! Absolute skin saviour, you can read a full review here.
5) What's your summer lip colour?
As we're coming up to the summer months, I'm loving Infrared from Topshop. It's such a gorgeous colour & I think it will look so nice with a tan!
6) What's your favourite type of blush, cream or powder?
Powder definitely! 
7) Whose your top 3 bloggers?
llymrs, sprinkleofglitter & my ultimate favourite, Zoella
8) What's your favourite makeup brand?
It's a tough one between MAC & Illamasqua, but I think MAC may just pip the post because the lipsticks are my favourite product ever!
9) What's your favourite animal?
10) What's your favourite thing to do besides blogging?
I love going to gigs or having Netflix binges.
11) Lastly, what's your favourite TV show?
How I Met Your Mother. I'm still upset it's ended! 

Now the exciting part, my nominations!
1) Jessie from Jessie Beag
2) Alice from Miss Alice Red
3) Sophie from So Bright and Beautiful
4) Katie from Pretty For Pence
5) Jade from J a d i c u s x o
6) Katrine from Katience
7) Jaq from Lazy Days Beauty
8) Chloe from chlooooooeeee
9) Helen from HelenRuth
10) Ann from MadamxAnn

& my questions for you lovely ladies!
1) What's your favourite song at the moment?
2) Who's blog can you not go a day without checking
3) Do you do anything else online other than blogging? (Youtube ect) if so, post your username too!
4) Fashion or beauty?
5) Do you have any claims to fame?
6) What's your favourite recent beauty buy?
7) What made you want to start blogging?
8) Do you subscribe to any beauty boxes? If so, what's your favourite?
9) What do you like to do in your spare time?
10) Who is your favourite Disney character?
11) What do you want to be doing/have achieved this time next year?

Now it's your turn to answer these questions, and nominate 11 great blogs who deserve this award!
Thanks again to Kristy for nominating me!


  1. thank you for the nomination! seems like I have to do the whole answer thing twice now.. :D xx

  2. Thanks for the nomination! I totally agree with you, Disney is amazing and going to gigs is so much fun. What is the best gig you've been to?

    xx Sophie | So Bright & Beautiful
