Saturday 21 February 2015

More Money March! || bckysklly

You wouldn't think it from the lack of posts on here, but over the past few months I've spent a horrible amount of money on make-up. 

I haven't always been so stupidly infatuated with spending all my earnings on cosmetics, i remember when I got my first 'good wage' going into Debenhams and buying Benefit's 'Erase Paste' and panicking over the £23 price tag. But these days, i don't bat an eyelid over buying a £45 palette on impulse. I own more lipsticks than necessary for one mouth and enough foundations to cover my whole body, and I think I'm finally beginning to realise how silly it is.
Don't get me wrong, i really love collecting make-up and being able to create so many different looks with what I have, but I think i need a break from buying so much.
I find that there's always far too much month at the end of the money and I've found myself scrimping on things for a good three weeks because I've blew all my money on the latest beauty product i want.

So i've decided, for the month of March, I'm going to see how my money can last if I stop being so reckless with my spending. Do I really need ANOTHER neutral eyeshadow palette? Or another variant of pink lipstick? Definitely not! 
I'm not calling it a spending ban as such, if I need to buy powder or concealer then I will, but only if i've ran out of what I already have.
I'm also going to try and wean myself off from my love of high end make up, when there's currently so many amazing drug store brands out there. I've been lusting after the Hourglass Ambient Lighting Powder Palette for ages now, but instead of committing to spending £56 on it, I decided to go for the little dupe Make Up Revolution have brought out at a fraction of the cost.

I'm not going to say this will last into April, but I'm going to try my hardest to stick to it through March. This year I want to make sure I do things i'll remember an enjoy such as a festivals and weekends away, and If I'm spending hundreds a month on things to put on my face, that's not going to happen!

I'll be doing a weekly post on how i'm getting on and if I've had any slip ups or found any amazing drug store finds.

If you've ever done anything like this, please let me know in the comments how you found it and if it helped you spend less in the following months!


  1. Good luck from nanny Wendy and Issy in notts. Ps. Your stunning!!x💗

  2. Oh my god I can't believe how much makeup you have.. woweee!
