Monday 28 April 2014

Seventeen Flawless Poreless Primer Review || bckysklly

I'm currently stuck in a massive skin crisis, where no matter what foundation I use, it slides off my face within an hour, and if any of it does manage to hang on, it's in horrible patchy splodges. I've tried a few different high street primers that come in the liquid form and they just don't seem to work well with my skin, so I thought I'd try something a little different!

The 'Seventeen Flawless Poreless Primer' is marketed at a smoothing skin perfector that will reduce the appearance of pores, something I'm in desperate need of as mine are huge!
It comes in a little compact, which does feel kind of cheap because of the massive open space in the lid which could be easily covered by a mirror, but at £5.99 I wasn't really expecting a high end standard! 
If I was to describe this in any way, it would be that it's Benefits POREfessional pressed down into a solid format as that's exactly how it feels when applied. Plus, you hardly have to use any of it.
I wore this for a day of shopping on a really sunny day and now I'm home, my make up amazingly still looks like it's just been applied! I was not expecting this to work so well, especially as it feels like nothing is being applied, but it really has kept my make up in place.
Seventeen Flawless Poreless Primer can be purchased online here for just £5.99!

Have you used this product before? Is there any high street primers that you could recommened? Let me know!

1 comment:

  1. Oooh I love a good primer! Will have a look at this the next time I'm in Boots. Thanks for the post!

    Jaq @
